L.A.'s Story

When my husband and I decided we wanted to start a family, we thought it would come easy.
You know, you want a baby, you get pregnant after a couple months and you have a baby. Unfortunately, it was not so simple for us.

After months and months of tracking ovulation, buying every TTC gadget under the sun, trying to just be spontaneous and “stop stressing” as everyone says, we decided it was time to get help and we were referred to this clinic.

The initial fertility testing, proved that everything was normal and we were diagnosed with unexplained infertility. This was a positive and negative diagnosis in my mind. On one hand you are healthy, but on the other, you have nothing “wrong” to fix. With this diagnosis came our plan from the Generation Fertility doctor. One medicated cycle and if that didn’t work, we’d move on to IUI. After an unsuccessful medicated cycle and IUI, we finally had our first ever positive pregnancy test after our second IUI!!! We welcomed our baby girl just 9 weeks ago!

The hopelessness infertility creates is crippling. It is so lonely and you grieve every month without a positive. If you are reading my story, please stay hopeful! The entire team at this clinic will stand behind you and support you through your journey! They are absolutely incredible and we have a beautiful baby girl to show for it!!! Words can’t express our absolute gratitude!