Insights from Our Team (Blog)

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Generation Fertility Expands to Toronto West

By The Generation Team

We’re excited to expand the excellent fertility care that Generation Fertility has become known for to Toronto West.

Ontario Fertility Program

By Generation Fertility Team

The Ontario government announced on October 24, 2024, a significant new investment in the Ontario Fertility Program—expanding the allocation of...

Understanding the Role of BMI and Safe Conception

By Generation Fertility Team

The topic of weight and fertility is a sensitive one, and one that we take very seriously. First off: women of all shapes and sizes can have healthy pregnancies. However...

Egg Retrieval: You Asked – We Answered!

By The Generation Team

A critical step during in vitro fertilization (IVF) is egg retrieval. This is a procedure in which eggs are retrieved from the ovaries, which are then fertilized by sperm in a lab to create embryos.

Pregnancy Loss: The Rainbow After the Storm


Pregnancy loss is so common, but part of the isolation and guilt that people feel comes from the stigma and thinking that you are the only one who has experienced it. Approx. 1 in 4...

The Be All and Endo


March is Endometriosis Month; during this month we take a closer look at a disorder that affects approximately 10% of people assigned female at birth.

Just Keep Swimming: Understanding Your Semen Analysis Result

By Generation Fertility Team

Sperm are the often-forgotten component of fertility; there is a focus on oocyte (egg) quality, maternal age, and follicle count, but eggs are only half of the puzzle.

Navigating Infertility During the Holidays


As we get closer to the holidays, navigating fertility and trying diligently to conceive can be a very painful challenge. Holiday events, public environments, and communication ...

Managing Egg-Spectations | A primer on your ovaries and eggs


In a fetus, there is a pool of around 7 million primordial follicles in the developing ovaries. At birth, this amount drops to 300 – 400,000 and at puberty the size of the pool ...

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