Start on Your Path to Parenthood—Easily and Seamlessly

Getting Started

To become a patient at Generation Fertility, you’ll need a physician’s referral.

We’ve teamed-up with Rocket Doctor, a trusted virtual healthcare provider, to help make the process quick and stress-free.

How It Works

Complete the Request Form

If you have a partner, we recommend including information for both of you.

Rocket Doctor Will Call You

Within 10-15 minutes of submitting your form, Rocket Doctor will contact you to schedule a virtual appointment with one of their doctors.

Virtual Appointment with Rocket Doctor

You’ll have a short appointment with the doctor.

Your Referral is Sent to Us

Rocket Doctor will send your completed referral directly to the Generation Fertility team, usually within two days. We’ll be in touch soon after.

Simply complete the form below to get started.

Don’t have OHIP coverage? Please still complete the form below to get started. Our team will contact you directly to schedule an appointment.

If you prefer, you can request a referral from your own doctor. 

Wait a little, we are sending your request

Are you a new patient?*
Do you have a partner?*
Reason for appointment?*


Sex assigned at birth*
Do you have an OHIP card?*

*By requesting an appointment, you agree to Rocket Doctor’s Terms and ConditionsEmail Communications PolicyInformed Consent, and Privacy Policy.

Please provide confirmation by checking this box*


Partner Sex assigned at birth*

Wait a little, we are sending your request

For inquiries unrelated to booking a new patient appointment, we invite you to submit a general inquiry.

Have Questions?