Treatments & Solutions

We’ll consider the right options to help you improve your chances of conceiving a child, tailored to your specific needs.

Discover an overview of these treatments and solutions below. Our team of fertility specialists are experts in providing evidence-based approaches to fertility.

In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)

For many patients, IVF maximizes the chance of conception and healthy pregnancy. Our team of leading fertility doctors, nurses and embryologists is highly experienced in safely and effectively providing this advanced approach to In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) treatment in Canada.

While IVF was initially developed to deal with tubal infertility, today, the majority of all IVF procedures are performed for other reasons. There are many other indications for IVF, including unexplained infertility and sperm-related infertility.

Pursuing IVF consultation and treatments can seem overwhelming at times, but our team of experienced fertility doctors are here to walk you through every step of the journey. It is our top priority to give you the best possible chance of reaching your family building goals while supporting you fully throughout your time with us.

Intrauterine Insemination (IUI)

IUI is a common treatment used in a range of infertility issues. It is considered a less invasive approach, than some other ART (Assisted Reproductive Technology) procedures, because fertilization happens inside the body rather than in an IVF lab.

What Happens During IUI

If you decide to undergo IUI (artificial insemination), you will first have to undergo a gynecological exam. The physician will insert a thin, flexible catheter through the patient’s cervix into their uterus to deposit a sperm sample. This insertion is painless and the patient can resume their daily activities within minutes. The sperm inserted into the patient’s uterus has been washed in the laboratory to concentrate it. The sperm can come from a chosen partner (artificial insemination with partner sperm) or from a donor (artificial insemination with donor sperm).

When IUI is Performed Using a Chosen Partner’s Sperm

  • Infertility problems associated with a slightly low sperm count or sperm motility.

  • Infertility following a cancer treatment (when the patient has planned ahead and has had sperm frozen prior to their treatment).

  • Sexual dysfunction e.g.: erectile dysfunction.

  • Repeated failures with ovarian stimulation.

  • Unexplained infertility.

When IUI is Performed Using Donor Sperm

  • Major sperm abnormalities, such as a total absence of sperm.

  • Hereditary genetic diseases or infectious diseases that could be transmitted to the other parent.

  • Isoimmunization or other problems.

  • Infertility following a cancer treatment.

  • Absence of partner with sperm e.g.: prospective single parent, same-sex female couple.

Ovulation Induction

Ovulation induction describes the use of oral or injectable fertility medications (gonadotropins) to stimulate the ovaries to produce eggs. The purpose of ovulation induction is to develop and ovulate one or more eggs in someone who normally does not ovulate. Based on your diagnosis, your doctor will prescribe the treatment most appropriate for you.

To be a candidate for ovulation induction you must have a normal uterine cavity, and at least one open fallopian tube, and the other parent must have a normal sperm count. In the general population, 20% to 25% of healthy, fertile people who are trying to conceive become pregnant in each of the first three months.

Other Treatments

Other treatments our team may recommend include:

  • Antibiotics to treat infections.

  • Hormones to treat issues such as polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) or pituitary hormone irregularities.

  • Lifestyle changes e.g.: optimizing diet, modifying frequency or intensity of physical activity, starting supplements or consultation allied health professionals.

  • Surgical intervention.

Third-Party & Reciprocal Reproduction Solutions

Many of our patients require a sperm donor, a gestational carrier (also referred to as a “surrogate”), embryo donors, or egg donors. We are an experienced fertility clinic with a team of specialists in third-party reproduction that can ensure that Health Canada regulations and medical standards are met. We are also experienced in reciprocal IVF which allows more than one partner to be intimately involved in the process.

What to Expect

Everyone’s journey to fertility is unique.
Learn what you can expect throughout the fertility treatment journey.

Ready to Book an Appointment?

We look forward to helping you on your path to parenthood.
Schedule your fertility appointment today!